Part of Christian's homework last week was to make a Leprechaun trap. Really a cute idea...and one I happily shoved off as a "Daddy project." Chris said that when he walked him in last Friday morning there were a lot of traps that were more cutesy, but his is functional! Boys are funny, no matter the age.

New Friends
I'm not really a super friendly person...knowing is the first step right!? Chris generally makes a point to introduce himself to neighbors. I, on the other hand, mostly make a point to stay away from neighbors. We bought our house back in September and wonder of wonders, our family has struck up a friendship with our neighbors across the street! We (adults and kids) are having such a great time hanging out! I'm pretty sure I wasn't missing much in the other neighborhoods we've lived in, but I'm so happy I decided to go out on a limb this time. And, hopefully no one moves for a very long time!
Date Night
Last Friday night and the Friday night before that we had date nights. We don't do anywhere near as many of these as we'd like to, but life happens right? It worked out that we had two in a row and it was lovely! The first one was a double date with Andrea and Dusty. Then last Friday Chris and I went out to celebrate our anniversary. :) Our anniversary was actually last month, but since we both had the flu we didn't acknowledge those dates at all really. We'll take a month-late celebration of dinner and a movie. We're not particular.
What I'm Lovin' Right Now:
Living so close to my sister. The older we get, the more I value this relationship. Running together, trading off childcare, singing, laughing, and then add in that our husbands like each other too? Way more than I could ask for.
Growing food. Chris built me some boxes and I'm trying to see if I can grow some strawberries. I can't wait to see if this works...this is our first go round with strawberries.
My people. They slay me. They are gifts that I don't deserve. They make me laugh. They make me crazy. I'm planning to use this cool and possibly rainy weekend to fill my tank with as much of them as I can.
Happy weekend y'all!