I was loading some of the pictures that we've taken since we've been here and stumbled across the ones from last year. I can't believe how much the kids have grown!
2012 2011

Chris and the other guys went deep sea fishing on Tuesday. They were gone half a day and came back with supper (for themselves, anyway). The rest of us opted for pizza or leftovers...not all of us were ready to commit to the fish. It actually turned out to be delicious!
Christian asked what the grown up boys were eating, so I told him that Daddy was cooking the fish that they caught that morning. It was a totally foreign concept. I ask him if he remembers that they had gone fishing that morning. Yes. Remember they caught some fish? Yes. Well, somebody cut it up for them and now Daddy is cooking it so they can eat it. He gets this weird look on his face and says, “you mean like fish sticks?” I couldn’t help but laugh! Once we got all that straight, he wanted to try it- and he liked it!! I love it when they get new experiences like that.
Usually when I buy watermelon, I cut it up into small pieces before I give it to the kids. This time I just bought a little and it was already cut into wedges. I just put a big slab of it on each of their plates and they chowed down!

Christian got a kite for his birthday (good job Aggie!) and hadn’t been able to use it yet. I’m SO glad we brought it to the beach with us! The kids (and Chris) had a great time with it!
I did actually manage to let go a little yesterday and really enjoy our day! We just sort of snacked at the beach instead of coming up to the room for a sit-down lunch. Then while Christian sat with Memaw and played just in the edge of the surf, Chris chilled next to me while I held Audrey as she napped. It was so nice.
All the while Chris is planting seeds of how great it would be to live here.
The rise and fall of Audrey’s deep breathing gave way to sleep and with the therapeutic sounds of the wind and water, I was able to just listen and rest. It may have been the best part of the trip so far!
sleeping baby AND the waves?!?! If you can't relax to that you're hopeless!